Welcome to our online kitten application page and thank you for your interest in our kittens. The form below is a detailed application in which we hope to find out about yourself, family and type of home you have to offer our kittens.
Our kittens are viewed through our eyes as “fur-children”, they just happen to have four legs instead of two and a tail! We see ourselves as surrogate parents who bring these precious angels into the world for deserving families to enjoy the companionship that only a pet can offer. Our fur-children are raised with the same amount of love, respect and devotion as our two legged children.
We are not a pet store and do not grant adoption privileges to people who simply have the financial means to pay for them.
We must feel that in our hearts we have done our absolute best in selecting the perfect family/home for each and every kitten we bring into this world. On average, 30% of the kitten applications are not approved to adopt/purchase one of our kittens.
We hope you will view this application with as much sincerity as we have for our two and four legged kids.
Please fill it out in its entirety and with plentiful answers to ensure we take the application seriously. We will carefully review the application and be back in touch with you as soon as possible.
Please note e-mails with sparse information or inquiries about pricing information will not be responded to. You come to us wishing to own one of our beautiful kittens, please be prepared to put forth maximum effort when contacting us. Basic information and updated photographs can be found on our website. We are located in United Arab Emirates.
Please understand I do reserve the right to refuse sale.
Thank you again for your interest in our kittens.
All of our kittens are dearly loved and peacefully prayed over from the moment they enter the world until the day they leave our arms. We kindly ask that you apply for our kittens only if you wish to have a furry friend in your life for the next 10+ years.